As life unfolds, families grow, children reach new milestones, careers advance, parents become grandparents, and countless precious moments occur.
BH Photography, a veteran-owned photography business serving the heart of Central Texas. As the owner and lead photographer, I, along with my wife, pour our hearts and souls into managing this venture. We are not just photographers; we are storytellers, capturing the essence of lifestyle, individual, and family portraits. Each image we create is a vibrant tapestry woven with our passion for photography and our unwavering commitment to our clients. We don't just take photos; we immortalize moments, transforming them into timeless keepsakes. Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to frame life, one click at a time.
We specialize in capturing lifestyle, individual, and family portraits, each image a testament to our passion for photography and our commitment to our clients.
the perryman family
The Clay Family
The Hernandez family
The Johnson family
The Dukes family
The skaggs family